Lifting Me Up

Just another weblog

Gratitude February 19, 2010

“Thank you, God, for this good life and forgive us if we do not love it enough.” Garrison Keillor


I have to stop and say thank you today. I need to say that every day, of course, but today I feel extra compelled to do it. I’m definitely guilty of not loving my life enough these days and I have to see past my own nose and realize there is a lot of good to be grateful for.

Thank you for my husband, my kids, my mom and dad and my wonderful younger brothers.

Thank you for my in-laws, my amazing second family.

Thank you for my friends, who have been my extended family for some time now.

Thank you that my best buddy (and soul sister) is coming to visit me next week!!! (Hubby, I promise not to act all silly like we always do… at least 1 day out of the 2 weeks she’ll be here!)

Thank you for our home, our food, our health, our strength and support for each other.

Thank you for the ability to see past the clouds, or at least to know that one day, those clouds will move.

Thank you for chai tea. 😉 Green and black!

Thank you for the internet and the ability to keep in touch with friends and family far and near.

Thank you for Tap Tap Revenge 3 on my phone. It keeps me a little (sheepishly) saner. 😛

Thank you for more time to spend with my kids.

Thank you for health insurance.

Thank you for hugs, snuggles, kisses and high fives.

Thank you for curly hair. (What? I like my hair these days.)

Thank you for my sarcasm. Even if it does get me in trouble now and then.

Thank you for tres leches cake!

Thank you for the fact that I can almost always laugh at myself.

Thank you for an endless list of things to be grateful for.

Most of all, thank you for allowing me the ability to be grateful and acknowledge that my life is indeed a good life.