Lifting Me Up

Just another weblog

My Photography: Purple Berries April 29, 2010

Purple Berries

Purple Berries


My Photography: Playing in the Rain April 27, 2010

I couldn’t help but capture the fun of my kids splashing in a huge puddle in their rain boots. I almost ran in myself… 🙂

Playing in the Rain

Playing in the Rain


Good News: There’s Always Plenty April 22, 2010

I was trying to find articles with GOOD NEWS to share. Man, that is hard sometimes. The media loves to focus on negativity. It’s a real downer.  Yes, there are tragedies that stand out. Tragedies that break your heart, rip it to pieces, anger you to shreds… but there is so much more love and happiness out there that for some reason we as humans just don’t seem to focus on.

So I decided “You know what, dude?” I can think of plenty of good news, all on my own, to share with the world.”

All over the world today, there were tons and tons of healthy, beautiful bouncing babies born. New little souls to give more life to this wonderful planet. Parents and families were joyous and celebratory at this momentous addition to the clan.

All over the world, sick or terminal patients lived another day. They were given one more day with their loved ones, one more day to right their wrongs, tie up their loose ends, spend time with those they choose to, and enjoy each moment that they have. They are using each breath wisely and judiciously, appreciating it for the valuable treasure it truly is.

All over the globe, children laughed and played. That sound, that glorious sound of a child laughter, like the peal of bell, beautiful joyous contagious music, the most sincere of laughs and the most happy of giggles. The universal sound of happiness and freedom that requires not a common language  to be understood.

All over the earth, people hugged one another. Whether it was in triumph, in greeting, in love, in sympathy, in friendship, whatever the motivator, there were hugs. Gentle ones, tender ones, tiny ones, big bear ones… HUGS. Glorious, affectionate, loving hugs.

Everywhere, someone avoided a car accident. Better yet, someone survived some kind of accident. Or a fire. Or a tragedy.

Everywhere, people made up. A fight ended. A friendship rekindled. A relationship reunited. Peace was made.

Everywhere, someone’s life was saved. By EMS workers. By a stranger. By a doctor. By a mother or father. By a teacher. By a waiter or waitress. By an enemy. By the person least expected.

All over the planet today, someone smiled and it made someone smile back. It spread like wildfire. From him to her to her to him. Some because they enjoyed it, some because they were confused, some because they just felt like it. But a smile is a smile and it’s contagious nonetheless. So smiles were bountiful all over the world.

What other wonderful news can you share?


My Photography: Funky Flower April 18, 2010

Funky Flower

Funky Flower


Did I Swallow It? April 8, 2010

My kindergartener recently got his first pair of loose teeth.  Last night as I was helping him make sure he brushed his teeth properly, I apparently brushed a little too enthusiastically and knocked a tooth out. 😦 OOPS!!!!! He insisted I did not but cried and said I hurt him and had a bloody mouth. 😦 BAD MOMMY!!!!! I immediately saw the visible space in his gums and knew it was gone so I made him spit out into the sink – but saw no tooth. We did it repeatedly and STILL found NO TOOTH. In all the commotion, it appears little man swallowed his own tiny little baby tooth, poor monkey. Oh my goodness, I felt like a toad.

Well, quick thinking mama that I can be at times, I immediately said “Man, that tooth fairy was FAST! She came and grabbed your tooth just like that – fast as lightning – and we didn’t even see her!” And he stopped sobbing and very pensively stared at the hole in his gums. He asked if she would come back to leave him his gift that night and I said “Of course, when you’re sleeping.” I gave him construction paper and markers to leave a note for her when she visited.

He wrote: “Tooth Fairy: Did you tak my tooth out or did I swolow it?” He also drew a boy holding a tooth and a mouth with a gap in the lower front teeth. He lovingly placed it under his pillow and fell asleep faster than ever to enable her visit.

❤ ❤ ❤

Of course the Tooth Fairy responded she grabbed it fast as lightning and left him the appropriate amount of compensation for such a precious first baby tooth.

On a side note, on warm nights, like last night, our son usually sleeps in a t-shirt and his boxer briefs. Last night, he insisted on his pajama pants. His reasoning: It was not proper for a girl like the Tooth Fairy to see him in his underwear. ❤  😀


Even with evil intent April 6, 2010

I’d like to think evil doesn’t exist. I’d like to think evil doesn’t have a part in the world and that people only do stupid things, not evil things. Malice is really more just doofiness and vindictiveness is more just acting without thinking.

I’m in my early to mid-30’s now. I know better than that.

But what have I learned with age, like a fine wine or cheese, is even with evil intent, good comes out of a situation. If you look for it. If you sit there in a pity party and cry your life away, you’ll definitely have a heck of a time seeing through all that mess of tears. No matter how bitter, sad, twisted or dire a situation, it is NOT the end of the world. It is NOT the worst thing. If your heart is still beating, even if barely, then you’re still alive and you’re still going.

You have to look for the opportunities and for that flare of sunlight peeking through those clouds… and when you see it, grab it. Grab it tightly with both hands and don’t let go. Go for the good. Go for the positive. Things WILL turn around when you believe they will. You may not know how and it may not be how you envisioned or ever expected. But it will happen.

Even if it came about with someone else’s initial evil intent, God will bring the good.


My Photography: Let Freedom Ring

Let Freedom Ring

Let Freedom Ring


Leave me some blog love! April 3, 2010

I love all the visits I see! THANKS for stopping by!

Let me know when you come by. Just drop me a line. I’d love to hear your thoughts or recommendations or anything you have to say.  Don’t forget if you want to just say hi to me personally you can under the Antonia Blanca page, or if you want to leave some quotes or good news, do it on that page, or if you want to share what lifts you up, do it on that page.

Waiting to hear from my uplifting friends!


My Photography: River View

River View

River View


Motivational Video: Nick Vujicic – Life Without Limbs March 31, 2010

I have never even in my life been as humbled as I have been by this video. Thank you, dear God, for allowing me the privilege to stumble upon this amazing man today. I hope he reaches all of you the way he has reached me today.