Lifting Me Up

Just another weblog

Even with evil intent April 6, 2010

I’d like to think evil doesn’t exist. I’d like to think evil doesn’t have a part in the world and that people only do stupid things, not evil things. Malice is really more just doofiness and vindictiveness is more just acting without thinking.

I’m in my early to mid-30’s now. I know better than that.

But what have I learned with age, like a fine wine or cheese, is even with evil intent, good comes out of a situation. If you look for it. If you sit there in a pity party and cry your life away, you’ll definitely have a heck of a time seeing through all that mess of tears. No matter how bitter, sad, twisted or dire a situation, it is NOT the end of the world. It is NOT the worst thing. If your heart is still beating, even if barely, then you’re still alive and you’re still going.

You have to look for the opportunities and for that flare of sunlight peeking through those clouds… and when you see it, grab it. Grab it tightly with both hands and don’t let go. Go for the good. Go for the positive. Things WILL turn around when you believe they will. You may not know how and it may not be how you envisioned or ever expected. But it will happen.

Even if it came about with someone else’s initial evil intent, God will bring the good.