Lifting Me Up

Just another weblog

Rain April 30, 2010

It’s pouring outside. Not quite a thunderstorm but raining. The clouds are grey, the sky is dark, the sun is somewhere hiding, even though it is, technically, daytime. Some would call it a gloomy day.

Not me. It looks FUN outside.

I have this itching burning urge to put on some rain boots and a poncho and just run out into the rain. To trample out into the puddles and splash with sheer abandon. To dance – just dance to the pitter patter of the rain drops on the rooftops – to the beat of the thunder, the swoosh of the wind, the rhythm of the gushes… just let my body go to the music. Tap tap in the puddles, splash splash in the water, get soaked in the fun, in the abandon, in the sheer freedom and liberty and let go of my inhibitions. Let the straightened tresses of my hair release their natural curliness with the water, let my makeup run slightly as the water hits my face, laugh out loud as the cold drops tickle me and my pants and shirt sleeves get wet…Let my cares wash away with the rain, down the street, into the gutters…

Laugh away all the cares in my life… if only for just a few minutes…

Today… despite the weather wherever you are… may love, light and tranquility rain down upon you and yours… 🙂


Kindness of the Soul April 28, 2010

It’s the kindness that does it. It could be in a split second. It could be in a lifelong friendship. It could be through a smile. Or a look. Or a hug. Or an emotion that radiates even through an e.mail. But it’s a kindness that just shines through, straight from the very core of a person’s soul.

I believe we all possess that kindness – we just don’t all display at all times. Maybe we keep it in reserve for those special people that we feel deserve it the most. Maybe we only let it loose on special occasions.  Or maybe it’s just a sporadic release that lets it hang out. Who knows how each of us operates.

What I do know is that I love the warmth I feel when I’m touched by it. Sometimes you feel it for a split second. A quick smile from a stranger on the street. Or a few minutes. A kind exchange with the nurse at the doctor’s office. Or you realize it’s there to stay. A new friendship with an amazingly kind soul. Whatever it is, that warmth has changed you and added to the kindness of your own soul. You now have more kindness to you. Thanks to that other warm, warm soul.

I’ve been blessed with many wonderful friends. Some I’ve kept for long periods of time, some for short periods, some I can tell will be here for life… some have been around forever, some have come to a point where the friendship has run its course, some have just joined the party and plan to be here till the end… either way, they’ve come for a purpose and I’m grateful for the kindness their souls have all brought. I love them all and have such appreciation and gratitude for the good times and lessons learned.

Like I said in the beginning, what makes that friendship special at that moment in time is what radiates from within: the kindness of the soul.


My Photography: Playing in the Rain April 27, 2010

I couldn’t help but capture the fun of my kids splashing in a huge puddle in their rain boots. I almost ran in myself… 🙂

Playing in the Rain

Playing in the Rain


Good News: There’s Always Plenty April 22, 2010

I was trying to find articles with GOOD NEWS to share. Man, that is hard sometimes. The media loves to focus on negativity. It’s a real downer.  Yes, there are tragedies that stand out. Tragedies that break your heart, rip it to pieces, anger you to shreds… but there is so much more love and happiness out there that for some reason we as humans just don’t seem to focus on.

So I decided “You know what, dude?” I can think of plenty of good news, all on my own, to share with the world.”

All over the world today, there were tons and tons of healthy, beautiful bouncing babies born. New little souls to give more life to this wonderful planet. Parents and families were joyous and celebratory at this momentous addition to the clan.

All over the world, sick or terminal patients lived another day. They were given one more day with their loved ones, one more day to right their wrongs, tie up their loose ends, spend time with those they choose to, and enjoy each moment that they have. They are using each breath wisely and judiciously, appreciating it for the valuable treasure it truly is.

All over the globe, children laughed and played. That sound, that glorious sound of a child laughter, like the peal of bell, beautiful joyous contagious music, the most sincere of laughs and the most happy of giggles. The universal sound of happiness and freedom that requires not a common language  to be understood.

All over the earth, people hugged one another. Whether it was in triumph, in greeting, in love, in sympathy, in friendship, whatever the motivator, there were hugs. Gentle ones, tender ones, tiny ones, big bear ones… HUGS. Glorious, affectionate, loving hugs.

Everywhere, someone avoided a car accident. Better yet, someone survived some kind of accident. Or a fire. Or a tragedy.

Everywhere, people made up. A fight ended. A friendship rekindled. A relationship reunited. Peace was made.

Everywhere, someone’s life was saved. By EMS workers. By a stranger. By a doctor. By a mother or father. By a teacher. By a waiter or waitress. By an enemy. By the person least expected.

All over the planet today, someone smiled and it made someone smile back. It spread like wildfire. From him to her to her to him. Some because they enjoyed it, some because they were confused, some because they just felt like it. But a smile is a smile and it’s contagious nonetheless. So smiles were bountiful all over the world.

What other wonderful news can you share?


My Photography: After the Rain

After the Rain

After the Rain


My Photography: Rose in the Rain April 21, 2010

Rose in the Rain

Rose in the Rain