Lifting Me Up

Just another weblog

Kindness of the Soul April 28, 2010

It’s the kindness that does it. It could be in a split second. It could be in a lifelong friendship. It could be through a smile. Or a look. Or a hug. Or an emotion that radiates even through an e.mail. But it’s a kindness that just shines through, straight from the very core of a person’s soul.

I believe we all possess that kindness – we just don’t all display at all times. Maybe we keep it in reserve for those special people that we feel deserve it the most. Maybe we only let it loose on special occasions.  Or maybe it’s just a sporadic release that lets it hang out. Who knows how each of us operates.

What I do know is that I love the warmth I feel when I’m touched by it. Sometimes you feel it for a split second. A quick smile from a stranger on the street. Or a few minutes. A kind exchange with the nurse at the doctor’s office. Or you realize it’s there to stay. A new friendship with an amazingly kind soul. Whatever it is, that warmth has changed you and added to the kindness of your own soul. You now have more kindness to you. Thanks to that other warm, warm soul.

I’ve been blessed with many wonderful friends. Some I’ve kept for long periods of time, some for short periods, some I can tell will be here for life… some have been around forever, some have come to a point where the friendship has run its course, some have just joined the party and plan to be here till the end… either way, they’ve come for a purpose and I’m grateful for the kindness their souls have all brought. I love them all and have such appreciation and gratitude for the good times and lessons learned.

Like I said in the beginning, what makes that friendship special at that moment in time is what radiates from within: the kindness of the soul.


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