Lifting Me Up

Just another weblog

Happy Memorial Day May 31, 2010

Yesterday, my husband, sons and I went to the Houston Zoo. In the Children’s Zoo section they have an injured American Bald Eagle who lives there. She has a gun pellet stuck in her joint permanently so she cannot fly well. The zoo rescued her and that is her new home. Heartbreaking that someone would injure any animal like that, but especially our beloved eagle.

I was watching her perched on a branch and admiring her incredible beauty. Her dark feather contrasting her white feathers, her yellow beak, her bright intelligent looking eyes taking in her environment, fully aware yet cautious of all her admirers. She was fascinating. I had to take a picture of her. Thank you to my brother for giving me his 200mm lens so I could zoom in on her face like that. Isn’t she a beauty?

We have our American flags up on our front yard today. We’ve had them all weekend. My kindergartener loves flags. He’s learned so much about flags in school this year. We all love our flag.

My husband came here as a child refugee from a war-ridden country that wanted to kill him for his religious beliefs. I came here as a child looking for a better life, for those streets paved in gold, because back home I wouldn’t have amounted to much more. This country took us both in and gave us the lives we have. It gave us so many opportunities. It gave us our educations, college, jobs, lives, our FREEDOM.

One of my favorite trips in the world is to tour our nation’s gorgeous capital, Washington DC. To see Abraham Lincoln sitting so royally, usually with a dove on his hand, or the Roosevelt waterfalls. Amazing. I love visiting DC. The most poignant part of the trip for me is always a tour of Arlington Cemetery. The first time I went the tour guide said “This is what the price of freedom is, people. Enjoy your freedom. They’ve paid for it.” And it gave me chills.

Now that my baby brother has enlisted as a Marine, it hits me a lot harder. He’s surely to be deployed soon and we’re all nervous wrecks about it. But it’s his choice, God’s will and his destiny. What God wills. But Memorial Day means a lot more to me now than it ever has.

It’s not just about hot dogs and burgers and beaches and parties… please take a moment to read about it and learn what it truly is about. In the meantime, enjoy your day with your family. And thank God and the USA for your freedom and liberty. Have a happy, safe, blessed and grateful Memorial Day.

American Eagle

American Eagle


Rain April 30, 2010

It’s pouring outside. Not quite a thunderstorm but raining. The clouds are grey, the sky is dark, the sun is somewhere hiding, even though it is, technically, daytime. Some would call it a gloomy day.

Not me. It looks FUN outside.

I have this itching burning urge to put on some rain boots and a poncho and just run out into the rain. To trample out into the puddles and splash with sheer abandon. To dance – just dance to the pitter patter of the rain drops on the rooftops – to the beat of the thunder, the swoosh of the wind, the rhythm of the gushes… just let my body go to the music. Tap tap in the puddles, splash splash in the water, get soaked in the fun, in the abandon, in the sheer freedom and liberty and let go of my inhibitions. Let the straightened tresses of my hair release their natural curliness with the water, let my makeup run slightly as the water hits my face, laugh out loud as the cold drops tickle me and my pants and shirt sleeves get wet…Let my cares wash away with the rain, down the street, into the gutters…

Laugh away all the cares in my life… if only for just a few minutes…

Today… despite the weather wherever you are… may love, light and tranquility rain down upon you and yours… 🙂


My Photography: Let Freedom Ring April 6, 2010

Let Freedom Ring

Let Freedom Ring