Lifting Me Up

Just another weblog

The Consistent Positivity May 19, 2010

Hey you,

Yeah, you. The person writing this. What’s up with you? You’ve been somewhat inconsistent lately. You’ve been neglecting your blog, you’ve been quiet around those who love you, you’ve been moping around a bit… What’s up with that?

Yeah, you’ve got some stuff going on. You have a right to be depressed. You are entitled to be down from time to time. But these slumps… these low periods… can we knock them off? They’re not good for you. It’s nice to see you happier.  Don’t give me that look. Don’t look at me like ‘What do you want me to be happy about?’ You’ve got plenty to be happy about.

You’ve got those 2 gorgeous boys, first of all. Yeah… there’s that smile. You know they’re the apples in your eyes.

You know your parents and brothers love you.

You know your husband does.

You know your real friends do. And you’re actually quite blessed by a very large number of those. Even though you know you kind of suck at calling them back! You’re good at writing… just not calling. Hopefully if they’re reading this they can understand that you get very emotional on the phone and just don’t like weeping in front of your sons.

You know you’re blessed to have a home, food, health and the ability and sanity to recognize all of that.

You know most importantly of all you’re blessed with a FAITH so deep it pumps the blood through your veins.

So what’s up with the slumps??? You can be sad when the chips are spilled on the floor. But let’s be consistent about the fact that all in all, life is good. Your life IS good. It’s not easy. But it IS good. It IS blessed.  It IS fortunate.  And you are surrounded by souls that constantly remind you of that.  Maybe not the same souls on a day to day basis but each day a new soul surprises you by showing you how wonderful they truly are.

So hold on to that. And be the constant… be the smile that always lights up your own room. Be the consistency in the life of your children. In the eyes of your babies. In the heart of your own soul. Because no one else will be. You will. You can and you need to.

Go ahead. Give yourself a hug. Smile at yourself in the mirror. Toss those curls and blink those big brown eyes. You can do it. You can be the consistency in your life. The consistent positivity. After all, what better reality check can you give yourself than to admit no medicine will work better on your soul than the positive light at the end of the tunnel?

With Love,



Happy Naw-Ruz! March 21, 2010

To the Persians and to the Baha’is… and to those of you that for other reasons celebrate Naw-Ruz, Happy Naw-Ruz!